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Order Summary Card
This is a solution to the Order summary card challenge on Frontend Mentor. It consists of an implentation of a Order Summary Card with the intention of replicate the designs provided by the challenge. Even though being a simple challange, it helped to pratice FlexBox layout and Mobile First apporach.
QR Code Card
This is a solution to the QR Code Card challenge on Frontend Mentor. It consists of an implentation of a QR Code Card with the intention of replicate the designs provided by the challenge. Even though being a simple challange, it helped to pratice FlexBox layout and Mobile First apporach.
Advice Generator
This is a solution to the Advice Generator challenge on Frontend Mentor. It consists on a very simple app that requests random advices from an API and display them. Even though very simple, the idea was to getting to know Remix and Tailwincss frameworks.